Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Word From The Word Wednesday

I am currently participating in a Bible study with Good Morning Girls.  It is an online Bible study for women.  This was a perfect solution for me because going to a Bible study at a church or someone’s home during the week is not ideal for a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of three.  I have enjoyed it so much in the years that I have participated and have learned so much.  I encourage you to check out Good Morning Girls if you are looking for a daily Bible study to do from your own home, but communicate with a group of girls via a Facebook group page.
One of the scriptures that we focused on this week was Luke 1:38.  “And Mary said, ‘Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word.’…”  As I reflected on this verse, (as I did recently with reading this same part of Scripture as we celebrated Christmas) I am awed at Mary’s faith.  She was about to carry the Savior of the world!  Her reaction was not to run or to question God’s choice…but to say, “Here I am…I am Your servant.  Use me as You see fit.”  Her faith leaves nothing to be desired.  A young girl who loved God so much that she didn’t question His path for her.
I read Matthew Henry’s Commentary on this verse.  This is the quote that I took down in my journal—“Mary’s reply to the angel was the language of faith and humble admiration, and she asked no sign for the confirming of her faith…  And we must, as Mary here, guide our desires by the Word of God.”
Guide my desires by the Word of God…  To me, that means no doubting, no fearing because He is with me…and He will never leave or forsake me.
I want the faith of Mary!  I am here, willing to serve You.  Let it be to me according to Your Word. 
In Jesus name,

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