God has been working behind the scenes, preparing me for a big adventure, opening doors for my writing, and I want to invite you along. As of May 1st, I'm the new content manager of Homeschool Toolbox. I'm so excited. I get to work with the writing team, find great homeschooling resources to give away, and write helpful product reviews. (And some other fun stuff along the way!).
Here's what that means for my blog. All of my mommy/wife/homemaker writing will stay right here. You'll find most of my homeschooling articles over on Homeschool Toolbox. Homeschool Toolbox is a great place to find out where to get the very best resources for homeschooling. We've also got some amazing writers sharing their wisdom and experience as they homeschool their children. Everything is written from a Christian perspective and with a positive, encouraging tone.
I'd love for you to come check it out, and be sure to sign up for the free e-book! If you love "looking over the shoulder" of others to see how they do things, this book is for you.
You can check out the site here
and be sure to like us on Facebook!
Pray for me as I begin this new venture, that I'll find joy in what I set my hands to and that this site will be a blessing to many.
I have also recently become a contributor for two other sites. You will find the “buttons” for those at the end of this post.

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